If you experience an assault you are not alone. You have the right to medical attention and decide what's best for you. Our experienced, qualified counsellors are only a phone call away on 0499 167 639 or via email sass@gwhcc.org.au
Breastfeeding Information Class
Having a baby soon?
Join us to learn more about breastfeeding before your baby arrives. Sessions are presented by Child Health Nurse, Karen Gurry
Where: Goldfields Women's Health Care Centre - 15 Dugan Street
When: Thursday 6th February 1pm - 3pm
Book now by contacting the GWHCC on 90218266 or at cso@gwhcc.org.au
We are proud to partner with Regional Counselling Services (RSC Goldfields) to bring this professional & informative course to our community, at the very special price of $30.00 per participant.
The 2 day course covers common & disabling mental health problems & crisis situations.
Attendees learn how to apply mental health first aid to adults across a range of situations, including:
- Depression-Anxiety
- Psychosis
- Substance use problems
- Suicidal thoughts and behaviours
- Panic attacks
- Non-suicidal self-injury
- Traumatic events
Kickstart your 2025 fitness journey with Mat Pilates!
We are thrilled to partner with Goldfields Physio again to bring you this exciting, 8 week program.
Email us at cso@gwhcc.org.au or call 9021 8266 to register your interest! Beginners welcome!
Join us in welcoming our new Operations Co-ordinator, Rhi!
Rhi comes to us with over 10 years experience from working within the Community Services Sector, here in the Goldfields.
You may have seen her at various community events, particularly those focused on mental health and prevention.
She is passionate about empowering individuals, promoting justice, fairness, accountability, and advocating for truth. Rhi also takes
great joy in organising community events and contributing to prevention-focused initiatives; strongly affirms fostering non-toxic work
environments and empowering staff.
We are thrilled to have her here at the GHWCC; if you see her out and about in the community, say hi!
She says, “I look forward to collaborating with our incredible team to provide high-quality services to our wonderful clients.”
Welcome to the Goldfields Navigation Service Eric Plet
Eric describes his background like a box of chocolate.
His passion for community work started as a Youth Worker in his early twenties and graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of
Technology. His previous work experience includes working across all three spheres of government and across four states. He
initially came to the Goldfields in 2007 to work for the City of Kalgoorlie Boulder as the Manager responsible for Community Services which
included services offered by EGCC. He later on worked for the WA Disability Services Commission, the WA Department of Communities and the WA Department of Education. Some of his NGO work exposure includes health care settings such as the Port Adelaide Community Health
Service, the Illoura Early Childhood Intervention Service and the now Banyule Community Health service. Eric is looking forward to
continuing his passion in working and advocating for the most vulnerable people in our community.
The Goldfields Navigation Service is thrilled to have Eric on the team. He can be contacted on 90 218266 or via email sc1@gwhcc.org.au.
Carer Friendly Organisation
In September the GWHCC completed Level 1 Accreditation for Carers WA Activate - This is for organisations who are beginning to develop carer friendly workplace policies and practices. We are the first regional organisation to achieve this and we were incredibly proud to
achieve this milestone. The Carers + Employers program defines best practice standards for supporting staff with caring
responsibilities. This may be any employee within your organisation who provides informal support or care to a family member or friend.
CEO of Carers WA Richard Newman came to Kalgoorlie to present the award to President, Kylie McLerie, Support & Carer Coordinator Christine Kupe and CEO Gloria Moyle.
Recognition of Health Justice partnership
Our CEO Gloria Moyle attended the 2024 IPAA WA Achievement Awards last week as our Health - Justice partnership that is funded by
Department of Health was nominated in the "best practice in Health & Well Being. "This partnership is innovative in its
approach—embedding specialist legal services within women’s health centre’s where women already feel safe and supported. This model breaks
down silos between health and legal services, providing an integrated, trauma-informed solution that addresses not just one, but multiple
needs at once. This is the kind of early intervention that can change lives, and it’s both cost-effective and efficient in its ability to
prevent long-term harm" Although we didn't take out the award we are thrilled to be supporting about Goldfield’s women, children, and
families who are at a crossroads, looking for a way forward. I think of the women we serve, the ones whose voices are often unheard, and I
am inspired by the opportunity to make a meaningful difference." Thank you to everyone who has supported this important work, and to those
who will continue to champion women’s health, safety, and access to justice. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of women
and families, not just today, but for generations to come."
"For me, this initiative is not just about policy or systems—it’s about Goldfield’s women, children, and families who are at a
crossroads, looking for a way forward. I think of the women we serve, the ones whose voices are often unheard, and I am inspired by the
opportunity to make a meaningful difference."
"None of this would be possible without the collective effort of all those involved.
Thank you to everyone who has supported this important work, and to those who will continue to champion women’s health, safety,
and access to justice.
Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of women and families, not just today, but for generations to
come." Gloria Moyle CEO